Boom CRM

Type of activity

CPM for educational institutions


PHP HTML CSS JavaScript ImageMagick TCPDF

Cooperation period

3 months


The task was to create a CRM system, that can collect data about educational institutions safety and preparedness for emergencies. Thus we digitalized the «Data and Territory portfolio, Security and Emergencies in Educational Institutions» creation. Digital questionnaire development initiator is a financial company. The system has two types of users: admin and educational institution. Admin opens and approves users, has access to users questionnaires, and communicate with users. School fills in the questionnaire with all necessary data, can save data, return and resume work. The result of filling in the questionnaire is a PDF document containing all the necessary data and meets all the requirements of the Ministry of Education, submit it to the relevant authorities. The finished document can be sent by email or downloaded locally.


  • Desktop
  • Mobile
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